June 2024
For the past four years, the campaigns team at Tearfund have been managing the Climate Emergency Toolkit website and inbox.
Firstly, thank you so much to all who have engaged with the toolkit and for all you are doing to get your church to take action on the climate emergency. It’s been so encouraging to see action on environmental issues growing in churches and for it to be seen as an integral part of discipleship in so many places.
Unfortunately at Tearfund changing patterns of income and significantly higher inflation-driven costs globally have meant scaling back – but not stopping – our advocacy work. Sadly the UK campaigns team is being disestablished and will no longer be able to look after the Climate Emergency Toolkit website and inbox. We are therefore simplifying the toolkit website, so that the pdf of the toolkit can still be downloaded but there will no longer be an occasional mailing from us, and the map will not be updated going forward. The toolkit remains a helpful resource although a few things in it will eventually become dated. And you are of course still able to declare a climate emergency, which is useful for so many reasons, it’s just that our own map won’t show new declarations.
Where to get support if you have specific questions
Most of the organisations linked to the toolkit should be able to help you if you need support or resources. Here are a few options:
Tearfund will still answer enquiries on campaigns@tearfund.org
Christian Aid similarly should be able to offer support campaigns@christian-aid.org
If it’s an Eco Church enquiry use ecochurch@arocha.org
If you are an Anglican church then their environmental team are worth contacting, and even if you are not, we recommend their extensive resources
Hope for the Future are brilliant if you want any help on speaking to MPs or Parliamentary Candidates
Despite these changes the need for climate action is just as urgent as ever, and so we’d love to end by encouraging you in all you are doing and let you know we will still be praying for you.
I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Phil 1:3-6
Thank you!
Image Description - Night operations on the Pine Gulch Fire in Colorado. Photo by Kyle Miller, Wyoming Hotshots, USFS